Thoughts for the Day

" Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict." William Ellery Channing

Monday, January 18, 2010

Post Your Favorite Recipes is my Favorite Recipes that my maa makes often ...whenever we get together....this is of course dedicated to my maa...thanks maa for everything...;D

Paneer ki Kheer

Servings: 4 people

Milk- 2 lts
Sugar- add to taste
Paneer/cottage cheese- small cut pieces
Cardamom/eliachi- just a pinch
Almonds (Cut/sliced)- optional

1. Cut Paneer into small pieces and keep aside in a small bowl.

2. Boil the Milk in a heavy saucepan and let it simmer over low heat. Cook, covered 50 minutes, stirring occasionally, until condensed. Stir in sugar and cardamom and cook 20 minutes more and add the cut paneer pieces now.

3.Remove from the heat. Serve topped with almonds.Can be served warm or cold.

Ladies if you would like to share or add your special recipes...please feel free to add it in the comments column....

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