Thoughts for the Day

" Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict." William Ellery Channing

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your First Cultural Shock

Hey ladies...remember your first month in America....when you just landed ...there was so much to learn and so many surprises ....well the first one that I felt was when I was crossing the road for the very first time in Portland Downtown...Standing at the sideway...waiting to cross and the cars stopped......Specially for ME....YES for me to cross....that took me by surprise ...I was just standing at the side when the cars just stopped and allowed me to go first ...honestly I was still not sure whether or not it was safe to cross or something was wrong with them....(specially after crossing roads for yrs in our desh....the way we run to save our lives....Funny isn't ...pls share urs....

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